Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do you ever wonder..........

Do you ever wonder what they are thinking, particularly about you? I've decided that after working as a vet tech. for almost 15yrs. that its a good thing that we don't. I do admit that there have been times that it would having been easier to diagnose if they could tell you what the problem was, but I'm not sure it would be worth it-I'd never get any sleep. I already know that they are capable of planning their next great escape-but thats for another day.

This is Azule-he's a bit camera shy.
No, he's not going to sleep-he's ignoring me
AAHA! He looked at the camera.
If looks could kill........This is Sandy playing "dress-up" with Jessie........Jessie was having fun
This is Felix- I don't trust this cat at all. need I say more?
This is Chase. He looks like he has a smirk on his face-probably planning his next scheme on getting the kitties.
And why do we have goats you wonder? To eat weeds and lots of them.
Well, thats a few more but thats not all, but I'm going to go rest now since the girls felt so generouse to share there stomach virus with me-uuughhh!!!!!

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