Sorry its been a few days without a new post. I've been busy with all sorts of stuff and then Jessie got sick and....... Anyhow, sometimes I wish that some things in life could be "black and white", when it comes to deciding things; i.e.....planning meals, what clothes to wear, how to go about my day, what to get Bryan for his birthday(or how much to spend), he thinks I should spend lots, etc..... But then I suppose that might be boring??? A little "gray" might be okay.
They come in all colors.
Typical color for a border collie. Her world is black and white. Well that's what she thinks: throw the ball and throw the ball and throw the ball -maybe some food and water too.
"Can I help you?" "Black and white"- let me eat, let me eat, let me eat.
Eat the grass, eat the grass, eat the grass, eat the grass..........oh, and leave me alone while I eat the grass.
Chew the cud, chew the cud, chew the cud.....(chew the regurgitated grass)
Maybe black and white wouldn't be so great or I guess that the most important things in life that we need to know are in black and white and can be found in the Bible; maybe its us that add so much "gray" to our lives trying to find ways around the truth. HMMMM..with that in mind I will be going now -this is getting fairly heavy and I'm tired.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago