Friday, December 19, 2008


Nevada has a very wide variety of scenery. The further south you go, the more "desert" like it is and the further north, its what "they" call "high desert". Then there are places both east and west that would make you think you were in Idaho or some other "beautiful" state. However, I think Nevada has a very unique beauty that I really love. It is the state with the most mountain ranges, 14 to be exact and I love the mountains. The weather, well, it keeps you guessing. You should always expect the unexpected in Nevada; warm, dry winters and snow on the 4th of July have happened. 40 below zero in the winter and over 100 in the summer-it can be harsh. It has its own "personality", but I guess all states do-I'm just partial to it- I call it home.

Some of the first snow of the season.
Rock mountains between Tonopah and Pahrump

Very colorful "rocks" between Tonopah and Pahrump. I took these on our way down to Frontsight.

Looks like watercolor.

Snow, snow, snow.....cold, cold, cold,........frost, frost, frost, winter is here!

The dogs, well Lee and Azule, didn't seem to mind the snow too bad this morning. Hank likes the warm house. I would love to have Azule's coat during the winter. Its so thick right now. We got about 4" of snow.

A "blanket" of snow. I have a feeling that it wouldn't be that warm or cozy, I prefer fleece, but Azule didn't seem to mind. Yes, he has 4 dog houses to choose from, complete with straw and I offered to let him in but he wanted right back out-he gets to hot.

The weather didn't put a damper on Lee's desire to play ball either.

Watching for possible thieves and working on camouflage.....he's just pretending to "ignore" his ball but really he is ready to jump up and snap at any 4 legged, furry creature that would dare lay a whisker on his precious "jolly ball". The two legged, smooth skinned type having nothing to worry about except that if they play "fetch" with him as long as he is willing to go, your arm might fall off.

1 comment:

Geer Family said...

Beautiful pictures and words! Thank you for them both.