Saturday, December 20, 2008

The kitty days of winter

You've all heard of the "dog days of summer" but what about the "kitty days of winter"? Reese thinks that this is the perfect time of year to lounge around in front of the wood stove and re-coup from all her summer activities which, for this cat amount to go to sleep in the shade, go get a drink and have a snack, go take another nap in a different spot, get a drink, eat, watch the birds, go to the back door to come in, once in go use the litterbox(yes, she just came in from outside) maybe "run" to the end of the hall way and then go curl up on the back of the couch, clean her coat and take another nap. She has caught a few mice in her life but only for the entertainment of watching us catch them after she has let them go in the house(she caught them in the house-our mouse problem has since been remedied). Besides the occasional hairballs she has a very stress-free life.

She likes her food but believe it or not, she is a bit picky.

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