Saturday, December 27, 2008


Felix is our only boy kitty. He came to us, actually we went and got him, about 3 yrs ago. He was a wild, 12wk old kitten that had really never been handled. I figured that after we had this cat neutered, vaccinated and put outside we would never see him again. However, thanks to Jessie, things are the total opposite-he won't leave,(don't get me wrong-I don't want him gone gone), especially since it has gotten cold and there is about 6" of snow on the ground and there is a particular dog, Hank, that loves to play chase with him. He has quite the personality, he'll actually "cock" his head when you talk to him-makes you think he just might understand you(i seriously doubt this). He does like to talk back to you though, hmmm..... He is a good mouser too.

Anyhow, here he is making his way out of the pump house to come say hi; actually he was on a rescue mission. He was certian that he was the victim of a snow assualt and he was coming to me to be rescued from the dreaded, white, icey powder that chilled his little toes and would give his tongue an extra work out on his thick coat. (have I mentioned that the pump house is complete with a heat lamp and elevated, padded bed just for the cats)
Ahh.. he made it to me and has decided that my leg would be good to use as a brace to stretch his cold muscles. He really wanted me to pick him up and bring him in-after all he had to jump from footprint to footprint to get this far.

Well, I gave in....... sucker
He wasted know time in making himself comfortable on my lap. I'm sure he just knew that I was getting cold and needed a lap warmer and it was his way of saying thanks-- not. I think it was probably the other way around-he was cold and was looking for a warm lap to use.

Look into my are getting will go open me a can of tuna.........

Hypnosis didn't work- I kept taking pictures and wiggling around so he decided that he had had enough and left to go find a more suitable place for his nap.

Update: Felix does not learn after the first time. Last year, during the winter, he jumped down form the scratching tower right onto the hot wood stove. Thankfully, his toes weren't to badly burned. He had a couple blisters and a really BAD attitude for a few days but all in all was fine. However, guess what he did last night-yep-he did it again. This time the stove wasn't as hot so no blisters and the BAD attitude was taken out on the dog, poor Hank, but he seems fine today. He is the only cat that I have had that has ever tried this. The others seem to know. Insane?-trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. "Curiosity killed the cat"-" satisfaction brought it back?"(I wonder how many lives he has left?) Hmmmm

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