Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Morning Moonlight

Another reason to get up early-the moon!! I took these the other morning when I was up at it nice and early to go feed out at the Chapin's, plus take care of our own and be back in time to make sure Jessie was ready to head out the door with Granny by 7. In case you were wondering, I forgot Jessie didn't have to get up that early, therefore I rushed for nothing but had I not gotten up early and headed out I would have missed this beautiful sight!

This was in the morning in the western sky just down the driveway as I was heading out.
Here is on my way out to Chapin's not to far from their place.

Turn the camera a different way and it totally changes the picture but whats amazing is how fast it changes on its own as its setting and the sun comes up. You have a very small window of opportunity to get great pictures.........esp. when clouds start coming into view.

This was about 2 min. from the previous picture and just down the road a bit more...I was feeling a bit rushed, needless to say.

But I got it! Think, imagine feeding horses and buffalo by moonlight........I'm sure somehow it could be romantic, maybe charming, picturesque, courtly, chivalrous...........all right, I'll move on back to reality-Bryan's not going to get up that early to go feed 'on a date', but I can dream.

And to think that God made this-He spoke it into existence. This particular 'picture' in time will never happen again.

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