Monday, February 1, 2010

General Lee

For those of you who haven't met Lee, he is one of our 4 dogs, one of the shepherds that we have, one of our 'guardians', one of our manufacturers of 'doggy down' carpets, clothes, etc.... and one of our 'entertainers'.

Be afraid, be very afraid......the guardian is guarding.
I'm watching you

Oh, hey, did you hear that?

Just checking

Here is the side profile of his very intense look

For fun, Lee likes to attack things........ tennis balls don't have a chance, jolly balls last a while but eventually succumb to the constant chewing, chomping and crushing power of his jaws; and as for snowballs.........they don't have a chance! He also thinks he's a 'herding' dog and that the goats need constant 'attention' but that another story.
Back to the "trespassing snowballs"

Kill the snowball!!!



ATTACK!!!! It must die!!

Oh boy, more 'practice' is on its way.

Yes!! A perfect hit!! There are no survivors-total annihilation!
We feel very fortunate to have a dog with such devotion to making sure of our safety and well being when it comes to trespassing snowballs, un-ruley jollyballs and invading tennis balls. So if you ever come by, try not to look like a snowball, jollyball, tennis ball or goat-you may end up meeting Lee. Oh, that's General Lee, by the way.

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