Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just a Swingin'

One of the best toys in the world can be made from a rope, 2x4 and a beam. It can cause feelings of excitement, soaring, laughter, happiness, 'enlightenment', and lead to a world of imaginary games. It provides hours of entertainment which then leads to tired and compliant children. Best of all, Daddy made it!!! A swing...........from off the hay stack!!!
This is her 2,546 time, at least or maybe its 3,345 or.........
Only one problem-I'm still trying to figure out how they are going to get on the swing when the hay is gone. There will be more hay-lots of it, but there will be a 'short' time where the stack won't be muck of a stack.
When all done swinging, time to 'rest' so .............
she can swing again!!!

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