Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just Chicky

The chickens are getting bigger and bigger and here soon will be laying eggs-all kinds of eggs; white eggs, brown eggs, green eggs, little eggs and big eggs. I have started letting them run loose, out of their pen, and really, they are quite entertaining and relaxing to watch; that or I am really easily entertained.

They really are quite curious especially when they have "food" in mind, which is about all the time.
"What are you looking at?"

This is one of our roosters. i say "one of" because I'm not sure how many we have yet-3 for sure. This little guy, so far is turning out to be one of the smallest chickens I've ever seen.

This BIG girl is the biggest of the bunch and she seems to know it-not much phases her.

Here is the "boss" rooster, "Spark". I'm sure him and Hank are having some sort of conversation going and I'm sure that it has something to do with dominating, territory, chicken nuggets, fast food, and i wish she wasn't watching so that I could bite your little head off", etc......
Actually the dogs are quite good with the chickens-we've had only one attempt that was a fail do to my intervention and that seemed to be a lessoned learned because there hasn't been any more attempts.

Roaming, looking for bugs, seeds, anything..

Oh, I think I found something.

This one may end up being a rooster but if not "its" supposed to lay green eggs.

Another version of the one before.

The 3rd little rooster.

Mr. Spark

My favorite!! The top hats! The poor things can only see out to the side and down.

Bad hair day every day.

And this would be the total freak of the flock-a Turken. Yes, this is the way its supposed to be. This particular bird happens to be Jessie's favorite too-she has named it Neck-less.

1 comment:

Geer Family said...

Your pics would make a nice collection on the wall for decoration. good job