Monday, July 30, 2012

Jessie's Calf

     Well, we gave in, not that we were all that reluctant but Jessie is now fully involved with 4-H in the livestock group i.e. cattle.  We picked up her heifer yesterday and another calf that's on loan for moral support. 

  Athena, her heifer, is a bit on the wild side but is now settling down after yesterdays ordeal of being separated from her mommy, put in a trailer and hauled to town and then panicking coming out of the trailer, slipping out of her halter and running all over the place.  After some slow persuasion we were able to convince her to join her partner in a small pen which is where they will stay until she is more trusting and leading better. 
   Jessie has spent almost as much time out with her she has in the house and is making great progress!!  I am hoping in another day or so we will be able to move them to their more permanent location.

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