About 5yrs ago, my dad and sister,
Rebecca, took some pumpkins out into the desert to shoot them just to see what would happen. They thought that it would be great to bring the video camera along and narrate the hunt. Well, the video was so funny and shooting the
pumpkins with high powered rifles was so fun that we started making it a yearly thing and well, now its tradition.
The people at
Walmart or
Albertson thinks were crazy when we go to the check out with a a couple carts full of
pumpkins, however, when the ask why and we tell them what we do with them, they're all for it and can't wait to go try it themselves.
This year was the first year that we didn't get the pumpkins painted prior to the hunt. We usually get them all painted-the art work that is done is always amazing and very creative; we,
ve had pumpkin deer complete with antlers, pumpkin cats, bears,
camouflage, the joker, and the list can go on.
This year we had 22 pumpkins to "hunt" and 9 hunters with a fairly wide range of rifles.
Shhh...be very quite. I'm hunting pumpkin.

The pumpkins didn't have a chance.

It was once again, a very successful year of pumpkin hunting. We all got our 'tags' filled-none of them got away; even the pumpkins that had managed to climb trees or 'hide' about 300
yds away were not safe.